Aija Zariņa
Your child II
13.09.2017 - 14.10.2017
Aija Zariņa (1954) in her current exhibition “Your Child II” continues evolving the thought she started in the exhibition “Children of the Earth” in the gallery Daugava in 2011.
We all are children of the Earth; our mother Earth has been existing for thousands of years, it is experienced and clever. As all mothers it has always taken care of us and shared its wisdom, but, are we able to hear it and listen in? It is worth taking note of its lessons, but are we doing it? The Earth feeds us and makes us strong physically and mentally.
In Aija’ s paintings Earth is a living being with its oak-trees, mountains, rivers and winds, and we – her children are born, grow up and pass away in its love, meanwhile often maltreating not only each other, but the Earth as well. Are we able to change? Hope doesn’t die away… Aija speaks about it in her peculiar style with a child’s frankness, by means of colours and lines.